Sunday, November 17, 2013

The All-American Charity

4:33 a.m....Sunday morning...before dawn...prayer.  For the past two years this has been Marsha's desired routine; have prayer at home, hours before the first service of her church begins at 8, then get her and her children ready to arrive at the facility by 7, and then dive head first into the tasks that the church day brings.  As 2:15 p.m. rolls around she's holding on to her last strand of energy after a spirited worship experience...that she did not get to participate in.  Because of her intercessory prayer, youth program, hospitality, and media team commitments, her "worship and praise" session happen at her home; and she only hears a sermon when she can get a recording of it.  But on this day, like any other Sunday, long after the pastor heads home she shuts down, turns off, and helps close up.  Undoubtedly the best 7 hour shift a companies' dollar can buy.

Monday, November 4, 2013

You'll Get Down

Through this blog, I've written about the widening divide within Christianity that is separating the authentic believers from the counterfeit followers.  I've explored the risks associated with taking stances against societal wisdom and in turn aligning with biblical principles and laws.  And I've presented the realities of how being an active member in the Kingdom of God may very well be an indicator of your true commitment; while adversely, having a nonchalant attitude about Kingdom advancement could symbolize your hearts' real desire.  With all that said, it's no secret that I believe that these ideals are all coming to a meeting point rapidly.  But I've also been pondering another critical [and scary] thought that's related to the subject of the Mark of the Beast; and how our intelligent and loving friends and family members will run to get it knowing exactly what it is.