The time is right around the corner when churches and other religion-based business are going to have to pay taxes. It's just too much money for the U.S. government to let go by; particularly with the public scrutiny Christian ministries have been getting since the '80s, something is gonna get done. You can save all the loopholes and technicalities that prevent this from happening; and it's not necessarily a matter of national endorsement for any type of faith. The Feds will start looking at churches for what they really are...businesses. And though a lot of people tend to have some challenging emotions when churches are referred to in this matter, the reality is that 1. the American Church industry is one of the most profitable "non-profit" sectors anywhere and 2. churches paying taxes is biblical (see Luke 20:21-25). I say all this to say that I believe it would be healthy if we stop looking a church organizations as some fantasy group of good-willing hippies and see it for the money making machine that it is.