Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Rapper Sort Of Got One Right

Where I'm from, the people are the....flaky-est. 

This is the area where it's not official unless it's seen on television.  And if the product, politician, athlete, or entertainer is from here; then it/he/she must be seen on television in another state to label it/he/she official.  For the most part, trends aren't made in the African-American communities in Richmond; instead they are copied from other larger, more glamorously-perceived African-American communities across the nation.  Particularly in the Richmond hip-hop scene; where from 1980-1993 East Coast culture was Richmond.  Then Master P dropped a couple years later and we were all bouncing and talking with a little more country twang.  No one will say this...but we generally are followers; so it's no surprise that the Drake ft. Lil Wayne and Tyga track Y.O.L.O. (You Only Live Once) has spawned yet another hip-hop slogan for our teenagers, young adults, and even some 30-somethings to live by.  But you know what, this time it might benefit you to actually listen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hand Selected

It sounds very inspiring, and it makes for a great t-shirt slogan, but failure definitely is an option.  As a matter of fact, it's in the top two options that a person has when they set out to accomplish anything.  This notion explains the disproportionate numbers regarding the school drop-out rate, joblessness, and the ever increasing American prison population.  Even your most successful [enter dream occupation here] will proudly speak of the number of rejections he or she has encountered before experiencing the desired success.  So I hate to be the bearer of real news but unfortunately, all of us will fail at something.  Also, the percentage of us who will fail at something we believe that we cannot, must not fail at is rather high.  How can this be remedied?  And if it can't, how can a come back happen?