Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Facebook post, July 13, 2013; 10:02 p.m. - No justice!!!  No peace!!!!  No justice!!!  No peace!!!!  If it aint been clear from the last 400 years it's definitely clear now!  Florida has shown they don't care!  The let a 17 year-old boy get straight MURDERED by some racist, wanna-be cop and let that MURDERER walk!  That right took us back 50 60 years!  WE MUST STAND UP NOW AND PROTECT OUR CHIDLREN AND OUR MEN BECAUSE AMERICA IS THE SAME AS 1960!!  My heart is heavy for our kids because clearly its WAR out there!!!  That's why we gotta take things to OUR OWN HANDS!! Zimmerman dont think you got away because GOD get the LAST SAY!!

Facebook post, July 19, 2013; 9:13 a.m. - Off to Miami with the boo!! #cantwait #vacation

Friday, July 19, 2013

Separation Anxiety

Unity kills....well, sometimes.  Obviously, this statement implies that a person can be connected with another person or group that halts their progression through life.  Many of us have probably experienced growing up in a family - whether based on blood or some other link - that while loving and genuine, was also cancerous to our aspired goals.  All too often wee see brilliant, talented teenagers allow their budding lives to be pruned by their uninspired comrades.  Scholarships get discarded, careers go abandoned, and values get denied.  And this isn't limited to teens and twenty somethings; as grown men and women center the daily operation of their lives around their crew.  Extraordinary business minds are often stunted when shared with a lazy friend, who claims the dream is only that.  Even moving to a better home in a better neighborhood is shot down because some are "keeping it real" at age 35.  Immature?  Without a doubt.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Black Out Pic Wisdom

Somewhere in South Florida there is a retired senior citizen; a native of Washington D.C., who can vividly remember when he and his associates attempted to burn the Chocolate City down after Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated.  His flashbacks capture him angrily marching down 7th St. NW directly towards the police...ready and itching for a battle.  As he closes his eyes he sees the fire lit buildings.  He puts his hands over his ears and hears the screaming sirens and the shouts of the frustrated, scared youth.  He remembers the scratching, the pulling, the bleeding, the bodies.  Tears slowly roll down his face, wishing he could go back to April 4, 1968 and stay in the house.  But now, he's wondering who he hurt and if he killed anyone.  After more somber moments he raises his eyes to his local news...where the reporter captures the building anticipation of the Trayvon Martin case verdict.  Immediately he drops to his knees in prayer; weeping bitterly.