Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Day...Everyday

Ahh...the dumb things we do to bring in a new year.  Get drunk and high out of our minds, only to be nauseous for 6 hours of the next day.  Sleep with a...uh...less than deserving person, only to hope for mutual confidentiality.  Shoot our guns in the air, only to pray that the cop a block over doesn't ask any questions.  Get $100/month gym memberships that last 'till February.  Get engaged to break up in June.  Some of us even go to church for a good show before doing all of the above.  All this, only to wake up in the exact same state...even though the Roman calendar told you that you have a new start.

It's yet another brilliant capitalistic lie.  Well, for clarity, the days themselves aren't lies.  But the prevailing theme...the "new year, new start, new me thing"...that is a lie.  I think all logical thinking people can recognize that going from December 31 to January 1 doesn't automatically make a change in anything.  But the thought is that the closure of a calendar year somehow births such great opportunities makes it feel automatic.  But neither the intention of the NYE or NYD nor the spirit behind it are legit.  They are false promises, based on ridiculous societal traditions, and anti-godly.

Yeah, it's that deep.  See, along with Revelation 21:5 that tells us that The Lord God makes everything new; we can also read in Lamentations 3:22-23 the great mercy that only He can give us...which paves the way for our breakthrough opportunities...are new EVERY day, not just after midnight on January 1.  Is this to say that the yearly goals and aspirations we have are useless?  Not at all.  But the God we serve doesn't wait until New Year's to put them in motion.  It's available to us everyday of our lives.  The issue is, are we willing to receive it everyday.

How 'bout we celebrate everyday like it's NYE?  Being confident in the fact that God's Hand of blessing isn't just good for the turn of a new year, but each day, each hour, each minute, each second of our lives.  Let's be joyous in every circumstance; grateful to Him who has sustained and advanced us.  Possibly, the reason you anticipate a change so desperately as December closes out is because you fail to appreciate and acknowledge what God has done in all of the previous 360 something days.

Don't be wasteful...for everything is new with The Lord...


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