Tuesday, October 25, 2011

...But You Get To

I believe that tongue-holding should be considered a martial art, as the ability to refrain from projecting aggressive and destructive verbiage while responding to an attacker is surely a form of defense.  But similar to how blocking kicks and punches only reduce (not eliminate) the pain by protecting the face or abdomen, holding or taming the tongue prevents your emotions from being utterly battered, while still some pain is felt.  The one who learns how to shelve those temporary bruises on the way to victory is indeed victorious.  Meanwhile many are so consumed with the sting of blocking onslaughts that they eventually cave in.  Never did I understand this until a few years ago, when I began understanding the Word of God to the point where I could actually help someone else with the principles it contained.  I immediately left myself wide open to all types of criticism where very few people passed on the chance to heckle.  Regardless of the association or relationship between me and the other party, many friends and foes formed their makeshift media circles to record my movements in hope a juicy story would develop.  And of all the cliches' that exist, 'everybody is human' is the most inaccurate--because it does not apply to the vocal male Believer.  See, we can't judge; but everyone else can.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Exposure Cannot Be Wasted

I would have loved to be in the meeting room with the people who decided the bracket placement of the MCs on the 2011 BET Hip Hop Awards ciphers.  After a few years of establishing a pretty consistent base of popular and fairly popular artists, it seems Black Entertainment Television wanted to stretch their reach a tad to bring in some of the hottest spittas around.  There were a couple of misses resulting from the effort taken by the network; Tech N9ne (due to his oddity) and Soprano (due to his lack of understanding of the English language) to name a few.  And there were some flops because of plain lack of skill; i.e. Ace Hood and the entire Maybach Music Group (even William Roberts II on that day was lazy on the mic).  And of course Slaughterhouse and North Side's own [Mad] Skillz did their thing, but there was one MC who I felt spit exceptionally well and I was happy he did so--Houston, Texas MC, Lecrae.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Where Will The Sheep Go?

The following is intended to bring attention to a very sensitive subject that may concern friends, associates, and others I know and have known.  Also, my revelation of this issue may assist others in making certain decisions.  Lastly, this is not intended to criticize or give the perception I am passing judgment; and I apologize if it is received as such.  This is the last time I discuss this.  Sincere gratitude goes to God for removing me from these types of problems.

I feel that the homecoming services that many churches hold (usually around this time of year) is a wonderful extension of the fellowship principle as a Christian.  Members who have left the comfort of their home church are specially welcomed back to familiar faces and loved ones; sharing with each other old times and new occurrences.  These services more than likely offer additional moments dedicated to praise and worship, a powerful message, and a great meal that secures the fondness of where a member may have first confessed Christ.  But along with this, these welcome back Sundays allow for ministries to give members, past and present, a good 'ol Baptist head beating for bucks--asking for the ever popular special offering that more than likely should support the church or the community needs (or both); but too often end up supporting only a few people's desires.   I am not so learned that I won't acknowledge the Holy Spirit may very well guide a senior pastor to execute such a task, however, I fail to see this displayed in scripture.  But this is what I do see.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Working for Free

Yo, you want to know if your friend is really your friend?  If your so called brother-from-another-mother is really "related" to you?  Do you want to test the grade of your relationship or marriage?  Then wait until you wrong that person.  Better yet, take notice of your actions when they wrong you.  After that experience(s) you may have a pretty good idea on where you and your people stand and if you are as tight as you say you are when it's all gravy. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cycle of Pain

The 'Ville.  The 1's and the 2's.  The affordable apartment complex turned drug thoroughfare turned prevalence of poverty in three tumultuous decades.  Unfortunately, the fact Essex has produced some of Richmond's best scholars, athletes, and politicians is vastly overshadowed by the notion of this neighborhood being one of danger and desperation.  This is the spot where the Henrico PD resides in a  No. 2 apartment like an elderly woman who only comes outside for mail, grocery, and laundry mat runs.  It's here where the social assistance companies prey on families' misfortunes; helping [Medicaid only] children for a few weeks; but labeling them for a lifetime.  This was the 'hood where a woman allowed her child to wander on the grassy medium on Laburnum Avenue while she enjoyed a night on the town some months ago.  And it's where if a violent crime happens in Henrico, it's a pretty good chance it happens here.  Speaking of violence, it is no stranger to this complex; with countless mothers experiencing the pain of losing a son or daughter to the unforgiving community, either by chance or by preparation.  The following is a perspective on a story of the hurting.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Winning from the Bench

You can be all holy-fied if you choose, but I'm willing to bet an outrageous percentage of people have to work daily to not be judgmental; that's if you're concerned with being judgmental in the first place.  Speaking personally, there are more times than not where I have to coral the makings of a theory or an assumption about something before it turns into a solid thought about, whatever.  An example of this could be the times where someone would say that they were doing something, usually a form of entertainment, only for God.  I would think to myself, I wonder if they praise dance (or any other type of performing art) in their kitchen when no one but God is watching; and I had to immediately rebuke that thought.  Although there may be a ton of truth to the Sunday-Service-Worshipper-Only-In-Front-Of-A-Congregation, it's really not my place to spend a few minutes determining whether or not the expression is authentic.  Actually, I should be engaging in worship myself instead of critiquing; and most importantly, someone else may be influenced to start a life with Jesus because of the worshipper/praiser/actor (Philippians 1:15-18).  I will say though, it's extremely cool to see an individual whose talent clearly admonishes the One who provided the talent, no matter what the platform.