Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where It's Due

I think in my writings I've gotten somewhat ahead of myself and have left out some foundational pieces that are essential for life.  Maybe because of my studies or my observatory nature I've gotten conceited, but I have attempted to address the pressing objectives that I believe the Holy Spirit has been leading me to confront.  Still in doing this I've been neglectful; ignoring what all of this is truly about.  The revelation I received which is contained in those previous sentences is welcomed discipline.  Because all of what I pen is Spirit filled and driven, I'm thankful for yet another chance to get back on track.  Also, it's comforting to know that I'm being used, even with my failure to grasp the pinnacle of following Jesus the Messiah; and therefore I'm normal, relative, and in God's sight, important.  So in saying this....
...I'm certain that a large number of Christians are blatantly or inadvertently being disrespectful towards the Father and the Son.  How is this possible when we cry out before the Lord at least weekly; sometimes daily?  When we tithe and offer our hard-earned money to Him?  After we, in Jesus' Name, push away the demons that pursue us relentlessly?  Because for the most part, we do it to pad our own sense of achievement, but not to give God the ultimate and untainted credit.  We weep at the feet of Jehovah mostly because we desire something, not because He's awesome.  We tithe and give offerings because we know the windows of heaven will open up when we do, not just because He said so.  We are even so self-centered to cast out demons by preaching, teaching, or service so we can be admired by humans.  We are the stiff-necked children of the wilderness.

The Holy Spirit brought this to my attention some weeks ago - a season has come for me to acknowledge God for being the One and Only Living God.  Nothing else.  Although He has brought me through countless seen and unseen dangers, forget all that right now.  It's time to get back to magnifying His Name like the prominent heavenly bodies do; declaring all day long that He is holy (Revelation 4:8).  As practical as the Spirit of God can be, I was even instructed to proclaim God's supremacy with my first social media post.  Not thanking Him for waking me up, not declaring that evil can't attack me, but lifting up God purely for who He is.  In doing this, I understand more that sincerely searching for His Righteousness first positions me to acquire all that I need (Matthew 6:33).

We God-fearing, Spirit-filled people of God Almighty...we have forgotten our first love and left Him for ourselves, our accomplishments, and our problems.  We have prostituted the Name of the Lord to meet our objectives.  We have used His Mighty Hand as a crutch when we feel depressed.  We have watered down His Glory.  Let us turn away from our idols and the admonishment of them; including the biggest idol we have...us.  And today, begin praising God for being He Who Creates All Things.  For being Alpha and Omega.  For being He who was, who is, and who is to come...period.


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