Monday, January 27, 2014

Popularity vs. Passion

Looking in the mirror:

What if there was no modern way to promote Christ?  What if every single interaction to spread God's Word could only be done with action or face-to-face conversation?  What if I didn't have anyone to approve of what I say, how I live, what I believe.  What if my employers' policy was that employees couldn't discuss Jesus while on the clock?  What if my government made it socially illegal to publicly acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God?  What if being a Christian was almost unbearably difficult?  Would I do what I do now?  Would I even have a purpose to do it?  Would I take this stand even if there appeared there was no one to connect to?  No one to support me?  Am I genuine in not only my belief, but also in my expression of being a born-again Believer?  If no one cared, would it be this real?

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Pursuit of You

It would probably do many of us well to hear some of the stories from new Believers.  Stories that detail the first few days of making a public decision to follow Jesus Christ.  They can truly be some of the most inspiring words ever spoken.  Thinking of some of the ones I've heard over time, I find there to be a common theme.  Regardless of whether good or bad times are being expressed, the person can always clearly identify that God is all around them, everywhere they go, everywhere they are.  I remember one described it as "even though I'm trying to get closer to God, it's really like He's trying to get closer to me."

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Wind and the Waves Obey You, Too

On the low, I believe many directors and managers would liken some of their employees to typical high school students....full of potential and talent, but often times sluggish and loaded with senses of entitlement.  Particularly in a world where a degree and even years of experience aren't enough to secure a job, one would think that critical thinking, communication, and other intangibles must be sharpened consistently to even compete in the capitalistic rat race.  But this is not always the case.  And frankly, this type of attitude is one of the reasons why America's workforce is stagnant, under-productive, and shaky.  Millions of people, pregnant with the capability to do virtually anything, are rushing to fail...and then boldly point the finger at their superior...expecting immediate assitance.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Census Death

I've had to check myself during Easter and New Year Eve services over the years.  My human side gets extremely frustrated over people who prostitute God on these days; but my spiritual side quickly reminds me that not long ago I was one of them.  I was the guy cramming in churches for the show; taking up a seat for someone who was really dedicated....making a mockery of the entire event.  So, although the crowds can be nerve racking, the best thing for me to do during these times is to serve others.  Then, instead of being bothered by my snotty assumptions, I get to see how people lives get changed in in only 1.5 hours before the business side kicks in (i.e. name, number, address, email address, and so on) of trying make sure that church roster (and hence the revenue) goes up.   The never-ending quest to become a mega-church and/or to be a part of one.