Monday, January 13, 2014

The Wind and the Waves Obey You, Too

On the low, I believe many directors and managers would liken some of their employees to typical high school students....full of potential and talent, but often times sluggish and loaded with senses of entitlement.  Particularly in a world where a degree and even years of experience aren't enough to secure a job, one would think that critical thinking, communication, and other intangibles must be sharpened consistently to even compete in the capitalistic rat race.  But this is not always the case.  And frankly, this type of attitude is one of the reasons why America's workforce is stagnant, under-productive, and shaky.  Millions of people, pregnant with the capability to do virtually anything, are rushing to fail...and then boldly point the finger at their superior...expecting immediate assitance.

Knowing this, one can only imagine the frustration Jesus must have felt in dealing with his disciples. You got these guys walking all over the country with you, watching you do what it is you do and you tell them they can do it; and they still whine to you like you didn't show them how to do anything.

Take the storm situation in Matthew 8:23-27.  After hearing Jesus teach that if a person asks he will receive (7:7-12) and after watching Jesus perform miracles, these dudes still get scared when a storm comes up, and they go whining to Jesus.  What they got was a irritated  Jesus fresh out some good sleep asking them, "what are you so scared for?"  Or in the 5,000 people fed scenario in Mark 6.    Even then, in verse 37 Jesus tells his disciples who are anxious about the huge, hungry crowd, "you give them something to eat."  What do you think....was Christ being sarcastic or was he showing them (and us) that the same power He has to do spectacular things, we have also?

Looking at these examples let's us know how empty statements such as Jesus take the wheel are.  Because if you're a born again Believer, Jesus gave you the wheel and instructions on how to drive the car in all situations.  It really boils down to are you willing to use what Jesus provided, which are tools that produce nothing short of complete efficiency and success.  It is THE difference between a faith philosophy and a faith activated.

Yep, our awesome God can move mountains...but He told you in the book of Mark that you can do it also.


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