Monday, January 27, 2014

Popularity vs. Passion

Looking in the mirror:

What if there was no modern way to promote Christ?  What if every single interaction to spread God's Word could only be done with action or face-to-face conversation?  What if I didn't have anyone to approve of what I say, how I live, what I believe.  What if my employers' policy was that employees couldn't discuss Jesus while on the clock?  What if my government made it socially illegal to publicly acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God?  What if being a Christian was almost unbearably difficult?  Would I do what I do now?  Would I even have a purpose to do it?  Would I take this stand even if there appeared there was no one to connect to?  No one to support me?  Am I genuine in not only my belief, but also in my expression of being a born-again Believer?  If no one cared, would it be this real?

A pondering and honest thought for an analytical person.   My bet is many Christians would vehemently confirm they would follow Christ regardless of the circumstances.  But how do we know for sure?  For Americans, our democratic republic [currently] allows for us to speak freely about Christ.  I mean, what's media criticism?  In many countries you die for saying "I'm a Christian."  And if a private company fires you because of it, well...they have that right based on the location of their business.  Additionally, many of us attend churches regularly, belong to physical and social media impromptu Christian clubs, or are supported by family, close friends, and loved ones concerning our walk of Faith.  I guess my question is, because of the relative popularity of Christianity, does that in turn make it easy to be a Christian?

Possibly, the way to be certain is when it's not popular...not necessarily to all of society, but to your world.  We all know that demonstration of a real relationship with Christ can come by living by unpopular standards; but what would be the level of breaking?  Is it family or friend disassociation?  Social rejection?  Or, for you, is there a breaking point...or will you never break?  Because of what we know we love, many of us, because we are fervent Christians, are in love with the perception of ourselves...who we believe we are to other important we are to our surroundings.  Yet, we're not considering that if the assumed need of us vanishes, would our desire for Jesus leave also.

Allow your life to be so public that it encourages others to live; yet so personal that the public cannot take your life away.


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