Monday, January 20, 2014

The Pursuit of You

It would probably do many of us well to hear some of the stories from new Believers.  Stories that detail the first few days of making a public decision to follow Jesus Christ.  They can truly be some of the most inspiring words ever spoken.  Thinking of some of the ones I've heard over time, I find there to be a common theme.  Regardless of whether good or bad times are being expressed, the person can always clearly identify that God is all around them, everywhere they go, everywhere they are.  I remember one described it as "even though I'm trying to get closer to God, it's really like He's trying to get closer to me."

Among so many things to consider, the fact that even as consuming, creative, achieved, and powerful The Lord God is that He has the capability and the desire to be concerned about us, is breath-taking.  I'm not talking about God caring about all of mankind, I really mean us; individuals.  That He is concerned with how we feel, what we're eating, what we wear.  That He chooses to know about our worries.  That He determines to give us every opportunity to be successful.  This truth is validated in the Bible stories of individual such as Abraham, Moses, Daniel, David, Isaiah, all of Jesus' disciples, and Paul.  And, if we allow it, it can be maximized in our lives.

See us, in our human way of love, often view ourselves as chasing after a God that is seeking to be found, but in some clever (but beneficial...I guess) way is keeping Himself at a distance.  Actually,  it's diametrically different.  God is chasing after us; and it's us who choose to keep a comfortable space from Him.  As God chased after Joseph throughout slavery, imprisonment, and ownership (throughout Genesis 37-47); so He runs to unite with us in every situation we experience.  Now, it may be because we're not ready to change some of our social associations just yet.  Or because we're a little scared of what it takes to reach where God wants us, or being where God wants us in itself.  Whatever it is counterproductive to our Devine assignment and purpose.  And if we refocus ourselves to understand that God is pursing us with desperation, we would then be able live in a true spirit of gratitude...making it easier to hear and obey God.

Allow yourself to grow; allow God to catch you.


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