Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Crew Love

"Everybody wanna know what my Achilles heel is.  Love!  I don't get enough of it, all I get is these vampires and bloodsuckers." - Jay-Z, Monster 2011

Here, we see the self-proclaimed pagan god of hip-hop acknowledge that even though he is fiendishly murdering the competition (which he believes has made him a coveted but elusive target), the slaughter would be non-existent if he were to receive more love from his contemporaries.  I believe the love the artist is referring to isn't the Al Green Love and Happiness type, it's more like the Scarface My Homies kind.  It's plain to see that Jay craves for acceptance like the peons he makes fun of.  That's the common thread for all human beings...the feeling of unity with something, anything.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Same Feet, Same Hands

I literally used to do anything I wanted. Check that....75% of the time I did anything I wanted when I had to force it; and 97% of the time it was when there were wide open opportunities. Needless to say I had loads of what I considered to be fun, but unfortunately none of it was pleasing in the sight of God. Although it was diametrically opposed to any form of obedience to Him, I leaned on a couple of biblical principles-turned-excuses to clear my conscious. The "all have sinned and fall short (Romans 3:23)" worked pretty well. And the King David saga mixed with the type of teaching I was under really allowed me to make my dirt look clean. Even though I knew I was wrong, I was fairly good at manipulating myself by using the previously introduced verse; all the while behaving as ignorant as possible.  That being said, I look back on those days in embarrassment; thinking I was hot stuff but was really missing the freedom a life with Christ gives.  But here's where the ultimate give-and-take scenario comes to play.  Because of course this better knowledge of myself and my purpose has me grateful without question.  It's just that it would've been pretty cool if this renewed mind came with amnesia.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Joy of the Janitor

At around 5:30 a.m., Randy arrives at the municipal building to begin a normal day that won't end until around 7 p.m.  And that's just at work; for waiting at his three-bedroom apartment is his pregnant wife and 4 year-old daughter.  So after cleaning the offices of the city's most well-paid schmoozers and embezzle artists, he takes a stop at the corner store to pick up his wifes' latest requests.  When he gets home, his daughter (who should've been in bed an hour ago) greets him with a flying hug and petitions for more minutes past bedtime.  Randy caves in and plays a game she's named Castle; where they are building and knocking down her pillow structures.  In between the several rounds, Randy takes trips to the kitchen for his wife, and one out to the garbage can.  After his daughter and wife are asleep, he lugs himself back to the family room to chip away at a business plan that his cousin desperately needs help with.  Randy is taking part in the ultimate joy.

Monday, July 9, 2012

16 to 60

Yo, can somebody tell me the literal translation of the phrase 'in my feelings'?  From what I've gathered, it appears to parallel the saying 'whoa is me.' And further more, why are so many adults using this phrase?  Of course I can understand the teenage private school girl openly saying this when she's been turned down for the spring formal.  However, I have some difficulty grasping how the 45 year-old woman [frequently] uses this term.  Particularly the one that's [allegedly] more than a conqueror in Christ.  Please don't take my comments as a disregard for human emotions, because those cannot be denied.  Yet I do believe many of us allow our daily lives (at least our words) to be led by them.  Friends, allow me to introduce my 16 to 60 philosophy.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Middle Passage

I believe the only feeling that can replace the excitement of starting something great is the happiness associated with finishing something great.  Think about it; when you got accepted into that school or got that loan to start that business you were ready to conquer the planet.  But when you graduated or started turning a profit, there was nothing that could dull the shine of your pride.  That's because at the moment that you "made it" you had that 50-picture-in-2-seconds flashback about what it took to win.  And while everyone around you was celebrating your success, you rejoiced knowing that you survived the middle passage.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The 27 year-old gang bangin' rapper struts out on the Radio City Music Hall stage with his employed friends.  His bloodshot eyes are draped with Versace shades to conceal the marijuana side effects; and also because its the look of the culture these days.  As he and his rented entourage approach the podium to receive the award for Best Rap Song, he tosses his hand in the air to signal representation of the gang he joined just last year.  Then, after he grabs the award with his left hand, daps up the male presenter with his right hand, and kisses the female presenter on the check; he pulls the podium microphone down and shouts with exuberance "what the [explicative] is up!"  The crowd goes wild.  Then he calmly utters, "First I wanna thank God...'cause you know...ain't none of this possible without the man upstairs."