Monday, July 9, 2012

16 to 60

Yo, can somebody tell me the literal translation of the phrase 'in my feelings'?  From what I've gathered, it appears to parallel the saying 'whoa is me.' And further more, why are so many adults using this phrase?  Of course I can understand the teenage private school girl openly saying this when she's been turned down for the spring formal.  However, I have some difficulty grasping how the 45 year-old woman [frequently] uses this term.  Particularly the one that's [allegedly] more than a conqueror in Christ.  Please don't take my comments as a disregard for human emotions, because those cannot be denied.  Yet I do believe many of us allow our daily lives (at least our words) to be led by them.  Friends, allow me to introduce my 16 to 60 philosophy.

First, please forgive me as this philosophy was birthed from a mind state that the Lord is still working with me on.  16 to 60 basically states that there are people who have the same emotional rationale as a well-aged adult that they had as a teenager.  It's more or less a creative way of implying a person needs to mentally and emotionally grow up; which leads me to this 'in my feelings' thing.  In my brutal opinion, the saying and the basis behind it is not only extremely childish; but it's contrary to a faith lifestyle. 

Again, we have to acknowledge emotions.  They are certainly real and most of them were given to us by the Father.  But we were never intended to be guided by them, for as Believers our guide is the Holy Spirit who speaks the very thoughts of God (John 16:13).  Otherwise, our flaky human feelings can lead us into making very poor choices that have life long, and sometimes eternal consequences.

In expanding this thought, consider this.  If you (used relatively) are the one whose life revolves around your feelings, what do you think that says about your relationship with God?  Is it as up and down as your often feel up or down?  For example, do you skip out on going to church because of being hurt the previous Friday? And that hurt convinces you to have some deserved me time?  Do you not worship God because you don't feel the beat of the music or because the service doesn't meet your entertainment standards?  Are you what I would like to call a prayer whiner; who throws up that heartfelt petition only when you feel troubled?  If so, then it's possible you are not only guided by your feelings, but you allow Satan to plot the course of your life through your weak emotions.  You are an easy kill.

So today, make a conscious decision to get out of your feelings.  Begin acting like the child of the Living God through Christ...who is greater than any earthly force (1 John 4:4).  Walk and talk like a winner...right now.


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