The 27 year-old gang bangin' rapper struts out on the Radio City Music Hall stage with his employed friends. His bloodshot eyes are draped with Versace shades to conceal the marijuana side effects; and also because its the look of the culture these days. As he and his rented entourage approach the podium to receive the award for Best Rap Song, he tosses his hand in the air to signal representation of the gang he joined just last year. Then, after he grabs the award with his left hand, daps up the male presenter with his right hand, and kisses the female presenter on the check; he pulls the podium microphone down and shouts with exuberance "what the [explicative] is up!" The crowd goes wild. Then he calmly utters, "First I wanna thank God...'cause you know...ain't none of this possible without the man upstairs."
What a great feeling to know that the Creator of the Universe, being omnipotent and omnipresent as He is cares enough to be on our itty-bitty side...right? Well, that's the idea anytime we yearn to obtain some thing or achievement. We tend to assume (either without asking God in prayer about it or not listening to His answer) that our requests are upheld by the Lord because He's on our team. And we back it up with the last half of Psalm 37:4 (....He will give you the desires of your heart). Even the people who don't really know God shout Him out when they get what they want. Hmmmmm.....would it be strange to think that God isn't on our side?
If you're not in the family of God through Jesus Christ that's not a far-fetched thought. And even if you are, the jury may be still out on that. Certainly He is patient for the non-Believer to admit his or her sin and believe in His Son's death and resurrection. But that's not so the heathen can get God to align with his selfish ways. Instead, God wants that individual to align with He can guide Him into experiencing full joy in the best way; which is His way (John 10:10). Also, the first half of Psalm 37:4 requires that a person first delight themselves in the Lord. Delight is not limited to being happy when you perceive God came through, but to take pleasure in a life with Him. For the Believer, this principle remains true.
Psalms 111:10 - the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom; a good understanding have all those who do His commandments. Obedience to what God says appears to be underrated, but it's actually the spear that causes the breakthrough. To be clear, the first step of obedience the Lord is looking for is for men and women to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour (1 Timothy 2:3-4). Next, we are to be guided by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God in our thoughts and actions (John 16:13-15). This includes a relationship through prayer and reading the Bible; fasting, kindness and mercy to others. Through these actions we are lead to see what God is or is not pleased with. Recognizing this makes it's evident that His blessings aren't on things He directly opposes; no matter how much pleasure, fame or money may be associated with them.
So then. Instead of doing things that are justified in our mind, which can ignorantly imply God is approving our evil; let's first seek Him and His righteousness. Then allow His perfect will to become complete in our endeavors on the path to success.
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